Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hey Everyone,

Well, dad is out of surgery and the surgeon said it went really well. He's in a bit of pain and is still quite groggy, but not to worry, they gave him the good drugs : )He's on his way home (in Vancouver, not California) which is great since he didn't have to stay in the hospital overnight.
Thank you for all your prayers, calls, emails, and messages. Please continue the prayers for a speedy recovery and that he remains COMPLETELY CANCER FREE.

Love the Konkins

Monday, April 12, 2010

Miracles Keep On Coming!!!!

God is so good we saw the surgeon today and if ron did not have a history of cancer they would not do this surgery.

It is precautionary cause the pet scan sees a small hot spot that is suspicious but not even certain it is cancer. The surgeon said being it is under 1 cm we don't believe it is cancer. They are only doing a lower dissection, he will be out of hospital same day.

Ron informed the doctor that he'd been juicing, doing all he could and was getting lots of prayer. The doctor picked up on that and said, there is not hard evidence that it works but if you believe than it does (referring to the juicing) but he then added with a smile, prayer works and keep those going! So don't stop praying as even doctors agree - it works! Now pray the surgery goes well and that healing is speedy so I can get him back to California!

Now let me share just a little bit about Ron's idea of taking advantage of his "C" card! He shared a dream he had of what a stellar day would look like for him! So in his words he explains that Saturday April 10 he was going to celebrate by making one of his all time dreams come true.

So here it is:

Saturday was an amazing day for me. It has been a dream of mine for a long time to go skiing in the morning and then go golfing in the afternoon. Well Saturday was that day. It was awesome. My friend John Messinger and I went to Cypress Mt. and ripped up the hill, then I met Josh (my son) at 2:30 in my ski clothes, changed to some pants and golf shoes on at the course and played a decent round of golf. Tina and I were supposed to go to a movie when I got home, but SHE was too tired from doing nothing all day!! Anyway, it was a great way to celebrate the good report from the pet scan. Now that the pet scan has been interpreted by the surgeon that I really don't have any cancer, gotta think about how to celebrate that!

luv you all,


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pet Scan Results -

Friends and Family!

Today was a MIRACLE day!

Results of Pet Scan were beautiful! Ron's body is healthy and 99.9% cancer free. Our doctor was elated when only a small spec was found in one lymph node. 0.6 x 0.8 cm was detected in the groin area. We will go ahead with the surgery and get that sucker out! Then that is it! We will carry on in Konkin style! Healing the broken hearted is our mission. This laying around waiting is not our style!


Hey everyone, the last couple of days have been pretty crazy. Cat scan Tues, Pet scan Thurs From the start, many of you told us that this is just a "blip in our lives". An interesting blip, but a blip none the less. We are so grateful to everyone who write and send us notes, and calls us on the phone to encourage us. It really is a humbling experience for me.

Today I had a lot of mixed emotions. It's that fight to stay "above the line" in my faith that God has everything under control, and He knows what is best for me. Going to the doctor with the DVD in my hand with the results of the Pet scan was...lets say...challenging my faith just a little. On the one hand, I believe I am healed. On the other hand, I have to prepare myself for bad news and still believe God is in control, and it doesn't matter what the outcome is, I still believe and nothing is going to shake my faith!! Kind of like the three Hebrew children being thrown into the fire.

Anyway, when we got the results, I have to say, I was a little disappointed that there was still a little bit of cancer in my groin. (I'm just trying to be as honest as I can here). I really don't want this surgery. But then I had to give my head a big shake, kick myself in the butt, and go "oh my God, what a miracle I am!" Here I was with a Clarke 4 Melanoma (the worst kind), I should be dead within the year, and I only have a little spec of cancer that they can remove, and here I am complaining!! Am I insane? How ungrateful is that?!! I have friends that are still fighting for their lives with this disease, and here I am complaining. What a jerk.

So anyway, unless something else miraculous happens before the 15th, I will have the surgery, and will have to deal with some discomfort of swelling in my leg for about 4 to 5 years or NOT, but as far as we know, I will have no more cancer in my body. I think that is a pretty big MIRACLE!!

I love all of you and appreciate your friendship so much. God bless you.


ps. One more request. Can you all pray that the surgery does go well, and that there will be minimal or no long term swelling? Is that being too selfish?

pss - your help in filling the MAY 13-16 class of Marriage BootCamp is still needed. Help us heal the broken hearted and save families and rock some marriages!