Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ron Konkin's Request for your prayers

To our family and friends,

It has become no accident that everywhere we go including grocery stores strangers are telling us to pray, think positive thoughts and see your body clean. The most amazing part to us has been that even doctors and people that are neutral when it comes to faith in God have said it is documented and scientifically proven that prayer, faith, meditation and visualizing yourself as having clean cells in your body produces healing in the body.

Before all these weird appearances of strangers and “so called” coincidence TV appearances on the above topics started happening, Ron had a very strong message in his spirit. The message was that when he prayed or thought about the cancer cells in his body he and anyone else praying or thinking about him would see his body as clean and free of any cells that did not belong or prosper his body!

So here is what we have set our minds on to keep us ‘ABOVE THE LINE’ in this our journey and reality:

Phil. 4:8} Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things {i} are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

4:8 Finally, brethren. As he concludes his letter, he sums up Christian duties into a single paragraph.

Whatsoever things are true. Truth in word, in action, and in thought, must be cherished. Christ is THE TRUTH. His followers must be truth itself.
Honest. The Greek is reverend. Whatever is worthy of reverence.

Just. Strict justice in all dealings; an upright life.

Pure. Chaste lives and clean hearts and thoughts.

Lovely. Such deeds as spring from love and inspired love in others.

Of good report. A life of which no evil thing can be truthfully said.

If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise. Lest he may have omitted some excellency he adds, If there be aught else which is virtuous or praiseworthy, let these all be the things to which you give your minds.

Thank you for thinking of all that is good and all we can be thankful for TODAY!


DJ said...

You always have been and always will be in our prayers. We have simply shifted them into high gear. Keep up the good fight. We love you very much. All our Love, DJ & Tom

Ron said...

Hey Ron, Love the fact you quoted Phil 4:8.
It's just like my coach said to me last week;
"Manage my state of mind to be able to manage the outcome I desire"
I'm looking forward to a sunny day this summer when we get to go for a ride together with our wives. That's my lovely thought that I'll think on for you.
Be well my friend.

Mad Dog Murf said...

Oaks grow strong under contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. Keep the faith Ron. Old age is not for sissies!