Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 1 Marriage BootCamp -

Dear Friends and family,

Trying really hard to simplify our lives so I'm trying to get everyone to follow on us on ONE BLOG, ONE FACEBOOK. one website etc etc

These people who are computer and online savvy are making me crazy. Everything is about keeping in touch and I'm losing touch with sanity.... they want me to use key words and drive up the SEO (search engine optimization) by creating groups, followers, RSS feeds - all i want to do is keep u updated on how we are doing and where we are going with our hyper speed passion and dreams.

So I put my foot down with everyone telling me what to do, it didn't work! Believe it or not they out argued me....
SO HELP ME: I am going to wean out my personal facebook and this blog will you PLEASE PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON

Also when i send you an invite for facebook from Marriage Help Centers become a fan.

Day 1- Graduates of MBC - Do you remember your first day! 8 couples here, most little or no hope of a future together. Pray and think of them often throughout the weekend. We are already seeing breakthroughs.

Couples are already seeing through different glasses, and that is a great thing.

I hope you are all doing well and think what it takes to stay above the line. Maybe today is a good day to call someone you love and say. "I just called to say, I love you." Don't worry if you can't sing - just say it!

Thank you for being part of our lives.

We'd like to report that Ron is feeling awesome and 90% of the time we are living above the line!


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