Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

WE NEED YOUR HELP - ron is more determined than ever to grow Marriage Help Centers

Oh man ------ what i'm learning about search engines is that WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

Follow our Marriage Help Centers blog - it helps search engines find us by clicking on "follow" and in turn help people find us on the web! Thanks - just hit the link bellow and then hit follow on the blog.....really need your help - just a couple of clicks can change a life, marriage, or family. One can make a difference!

If you haven't seen our new website than take a look, it is getting better and better everyday.....

Family update: Thank to our kids, Jenny & Josh for giving your dad the best father's day present!

They flew him home to Trail, BC (his hometown) where all 5 brothers and sisters have come together to see "ronnie"....he's golfing with his oldest brother Pat today and then all 5 of them will have lunch together in Salmo at Brother Tom's house! Ron's in his element, back on the farm! I'm sure Ron will be sending pics of that trip!

So that's our news update on family and business

So please follow our blog: - we'll be updating that regularly!

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