Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Friday, March 26, 2010

BootCamp Day 2 - Canada Mar. 30 - Surgery Apr 1

Dear Friends and Family,

First of all - Ron was hurt the other day cause he thinks no one is reading the blog cause you haven't hit the "Follow" button! I told him many of you are reading it, just not "Following", so please hit the follow button and maybe just leave him a little note! Men are such babies! Now that's a TAPE! Mia is kissing his booboo!

So here we are in Day 2 of bootcamp with 4 couples. For the BootCamp graduates you know what happens this morning - u got it - I took them out - they showed up without doing their homework! Anyways they are all @ attention now!

We are flying home Tuesday March 30, going straight to the doctors from the airport for blood tests then from there hanging out with the family. Wednesday John a good friend of ours is taking Ron and our son Josh snow mobiling (right spelling, not sure) up in Whistler. Ron has a big smile on his face at the thought of the day. Personally I think he is using the "surgery" card to his advantage, he went skiing @ Big Bear last week here in Cali! What can I say - if you got it, use it! lol

Please pray for us as we embark on this unknown journey of health issues. We are believing that Ron's lymph nodes that they will again excise will be clean. Believe with us.

Right now we have really good days and trying days, making decisions about an unknown future makes our "living above the line" an even more real challenge. Our intention is to stay above the line no matter what challenges we face.

Thank you for your support and your love that we feel all around us!

Ron's surgery is Thurs. April 1 @ Burnaby General Hospital. He is expected to be there for a couple of days. We are hoping he will be out for Easter Sunday.

Make it a great Easter Holiday. I believe because of Easter Sunday we all have great hope!

Love you all,


Kay Simpson said...

I finally figured it out = I have been following you but didn't sign in.

Marriage Help Centers said...

thank u -

Anonymous said...

following now...

Unknown said...

I finally figured it out too...although I'm not able to attach a picture. I have been following you though. Much Canadian Love & prayers coming your way daily!! xoxo

Akiko cook said...

Never even noticed the follow button but I am now! Thankyou for all your updates and continued love and support! Will be praying for you and Ron!

Richard Montellano said...

Ron and Tina,

I have been following since the first message. I check everyday when I say my prayer for the entire family.

Richard Montellano

Unknown said...

Thanks for putting this message out here. Just about being a "Techno-tard"- not about not caring.
Didn't notice the "follow" button, but have and will follow with prayers.
There is not doubt that you will face this just as you have other areas of your life. Luckily, cancer can't follow you "above the line". Praying that line continues to grow thicker and thicker as you continue to learn and grow in this new arena.

Linda Emerson said...

Our love and prayers are with you Ron, Tina and family. You have made a difference in our lives. You both have a special gift and Ron, your talent to let people know just what they need to hear at the very moment they need to hear it is a true gift from God. YOu may not remember what you told me but I do and hear your voice often. LOVE YOU ALL and will pray often for you. - Linda (& Tony)from Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog also. Phil and I are very concerned about your health and appreciate your blog.

Anonymous said...

Praying for a complete healing for you Ron, peace for your family and sending big hugs too! Love Tim and Leeann

Jane Crick said...

Guys, there was a follow button? Like Jacqueline I am a PC-tard. And now I am following the blog. (I thought I was to begin with cause I would get the notices - Duh, me) Gotta keep Ron pumped & knowing that I dig him much. Here for you, wish surgeries were in the states though, then I could selfishly visit, and bring meals...
Good for Ron - I too would you the "CA card" - It's like our driver license card - if you got it use it. :) Love to both always -

Unknown said...

Hello Ron and Tina, I am so sorry to hear of your trials with your health Ron. My prayers are with you!! The both of you and your awesome team saved me and I'll never forget it. Yes I know it was God working through all of you, but you changed me forever. Even though my marriage did not work, I have the security of knowing you helped me do all that I could to save it, in doing so, you saved me, you gave me self worth and unconditional love. It saddens me so that you are facing this, but your faith is outstanding and a true testimony to all. I Love you both, Kari Ward

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Dawn Lewis said...

We are praying for you. We trust that God has great plans for you and we are confident that He will use the pain and hardship of this trial for His glory. We love you! Praying for a successful surgery. -Dawn

Toni Brown said...

I have definately been following! Didn't know I had to click follow, I'm official now. Constant prayers for you Ron and believing with you and Tina.

Shelley and Ray Cota said...

Ron and Tina you are both so in Ray and I's prayers we have been thinking alot about you and know that surgery is tomorrow and we are saying a prayer and keeping the faith that things will go well. What amazing week we had at bootcamp we thank you all so much.

Alex and Marje said...

Hi Ron and Tina. Is this where the updates are or are they somewhere else? (hint hint) joking! God bless your family and strenghten you by His Word. We think of you and Bootcamp all the time - it was so great to be a part of it in March. You are a very powerful couple in your faith and determination of your purpose. God bless.

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