Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Montage 3/6/10 at


Anonymous said...

Ron and Tina, Thinking of you lots I have been meaning to call hopefully this week I can get in touch with you. Hope all is well thinking of you lots today. Love ya Bunches. Renee Bohn

Leslie Klassen said...

Thank you Jenny for sharing your heart with us!! What a great encouragement your words are to many of us who struggle to stay "above the line" on this one. We pray you continue to CHOOSE to walk in HIS daily strength and accept HIS peace that passes ALL understanding! May you feel the love and compassion from the thousands of concerned and caring hearts that are lifting your family up in prayer constantly!! We love you and choose to keep "looking up" with you, believing for the miracle that only our one true God can give!! xoxoxo