Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5 - The Doctors Report & The Faith Report

Mar 5th

Here I am sitting on a plane reflecting on the past week. Well, the “big” appointment is over. Tina, Jen and I made our way to the cancer clinic in Vancouver yesterday. Josh was called out of town to work on a project. (love you Son). It is hard to describe what one feels as you drive to these appointments that will determine your future as the doctors know it. It is like traveling into another world where you have absolutely no control except for how you react to their assessments. I said to Tina and Jen that it feels surreal and I am not really a part of this journey. But I am. I find myself fighting the demon that wants to take me into the future of fear instead of staying Faithful in the Present.

I am so blessed to have such an amazing wife and kids. The news was what I had expected to hear. Basically, this cancer is not treatable with any treatments presently out there. The only one that comes close is “interferon”. The problem with this treatment is the success rate is very low, and the agony I would have to go through is probably not worth it.

So here is the next move for me in this. I am going to have surgery to extract the rest of the lymph nodes from my left groin. This will determine if the melanoma has spread any further than that area. Here is where you all come in again. PRAY.

This is where our faith kicks in, and we walk in it. Many of you have said that my work here is not finished here yet with the Marriage Boot Camp. God sees the big picture and knows the timing for everything in my life and yours. There is no doubt there will be a miracle here.

We don’t have to beg God to heal me. He has already healed me because that is what the Bible says.

I want you to see my body already clean as I believe the Bible teaches me that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen. My faith has substance and though I have no evidence yet that my body is clean, I have great hope. Believe with me to move this mountain. I would say this is the biggest mountain of my life, but it is also another opportunity to see our God work.

Rock on, and make every day a Great Day!!



paula guidi said...

Hugs to you and your family. Keep us posted......

Love Paula and Gene

Marriage Help Centers said...

Thank you! We are going to take your advice and have fun and see those pac men eating the cancer and God renewing those cells!

joy said...

God knows everything, we know a little. When we choose to live each day as though it was our last, we squeeze every little bit out of life and we have no fear..Today people who had no cancer diagnosis and no physical ailments died..They died from car wrecks, murders, choking on water, walking across the street, tripping and falling, and on and on and on, not to mention all he natural disasters. Brother your days upon this earth are valuable and special and needed in order to fulfill Gods economy. Who cares what doctors say, only God knows the day because he already has it on his calender and that will be one appointment none of us will miss...Stay strong, be bold, for the Lord your God is with you..Laugh at your calamaties, and SPEAK to your mountain...this is what God wants and needs from us all....We stand with you in every way, because you are our brother and we fight the good fight of faith together, because you are our brother...Joy Pinter

Marriage Help Centers said...

We are so honored to have friends and family standing in faith with us and amen that our days here are earth are on God's eternal calender! Till then we will multiply and be fruitful with the purpose God has for us! We are committed to keep healing the broken hearted. thanks for standing with us.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha....... Do it, any chance you get, and feel it with your whole being!!! XOX......Paula

Cliff said...

Ron and Tina,
Jeani and I love you guys and stand with you in believing for God's healing of Ron. Our love and prayers extend to your entire family as well. May you receive and experience all of the grace gifts that God has to offer you in this season.... and be sure to journal your experiences. Your book will help and inspire many ohters!

Anonymous said...

To say that we love you both would not come close enough in expressing what is in our hearts. We are here to not only pray for you, but to pick up the slack wherever possible. Let us know what you need from us practically and if able we will do our best to meet that need. Our hope and confidence is in Him whose has called us and made us one body through His Son. We are walking with you Konkins, though at a short distance behind. "Rock on beloveds, and make every day a Great Day!!" Huce and Renee