Marriage Help Centers

Marriage Help Centers
Families That Play, Pray and Laugh together stays together

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Surgery Postponed to April 15

Dear Friends,

First of all a big thank you for all those of you that hit "follow" on the blog! Makes me feel like I'm loved. You guys all Rock!!

As most of you know I was scheduled to have surgery tomorrow, but after getting several opinions from different doctors and surgeons, everyone seems to agree I need to go for a Pet Scan before the surgery, so as of now the surgery is booked for the 15th.

We had a great trip back to Vancouver, with Mia very excited to see her family again. The whole family (tina's that is) came over last night and we had an old fashioned prayer meeting. Tina's mom being very Italian led us all in the prayer of faith for my clean bill of health. Of course the tears were there but the love and prayers felt amazing.

Today, I was spoiled by a very good friend John Messinger who took me snowmobiling in Whistler's fresh powder today. It was a WOW day! Absolutely amazing. It just dumped about 3ft of snow in the last few days, and today the sun was shining. Well, I am very sore, and tomorrow I know every every muscle is going to kill me. My son Josh was able to get the day off and join me today. What a day blasting through the deep powder with him.

Again, thanks you all for all your prayers and support. Will keep you posted.

With all our LOVE

Ron, Tina, Jen, Josh and Mia



Ray and Shelley said...

The pictures are absolutely amazing what a beautiful day for you to have. We will say a prayer every day and will be checking your blog to see how things are going. Take care and know that you are a wonderful person and God will take care of you.... Love Ray and Shelley

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do laugh an me being annoymous Ron/Tina, I have forgotten my Identity password...duh me! Love, The Cricks

Anonymous said...

Great Pics
Looks like you made a great memory, My prayers are with you and your family, I am also putting your name in our temple prayer role if that is ok with you...???
I always say" it dosnt matter what religion we are god hears our prayers"...
Love Brenda Minehan

Anonymous said...

Great Pics
Looks like you made a great memory, My prayers are with you and your family, I am also putting your name in our temple prayer role if that is ok with you...???
I always say" it dosnt matter what religion we are god hears our prayers"...
Love Brenda Minehan

dotti said...

Everyday walking down the mountain I pray for Ron. Isaiah 43:1-3 promises that God will be with Ron as he goes through this... and I LOVE that...through!!! and not under the waters. Praying for a supernatural touch from God. Blessings...John and Dot

Anonymous said...

I love you glad to see you ENJOYING the moment, seizing the day, living a life fully that is pleasing to God. Say, how did you manage to change the meaning of April 15th for us dwelling in the lower part of North America? LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for peace that surpasses understanding for you and the whole family Ron.
Love in Christ,
Phil Berg